Cabinet Secretariat Staff Car Driver Central Goverment Post

Cabinet Secretariat Staff Car Driver Central Goverment Post Details

1Name of the PostStaff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade)
2Number of Posts02 (Two)
3Classification of PostGeneral Central Service, Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial
4Pay ScaleLevel 2 of Pay Matrix (₹19,900 – ₹63,200)
5Age LimitNot exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of applications
6Eligibility ConditionsOfficials holding the post of:
  – Despatch Rider (Group C) on a regular basis;
  – Group ‘C’ employees in Level 1 of the pay matrix in Ministries/Departments of the Central Government meeting essential qualifications:
  – Matriculation
  – Possession of valid driving license for motor cars
  – Knowledge of motor mechanism (ability to repair minor vehicle defects)
  – Minimum 3 years of motor car driving experience
  Desirable Qualifications:
  – 3 years of service as a Home Guard/Civil volunteer
  – Retired/Retiring Armed Forces Personnel (as per deputation or re-employment terms).
7Place of PostingNew Delhi
8Regulations for Pay and Deputation TermsAs per DoPT OM No. 6/08/2009-Estt-(Pay.II) dated 17.06.2010 (as amended). Deputation period ordinarily not exceeding 3 years.
9Duties/Responsibilities– Assigned administrative duties
  – Vehicle maintenance
10Application ProcessApplication to be sent to: Deputy Secretary (Admn.), Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi-110004
  Required Attachments:
  – Bio-data (Annexure format)
  – ACR/APAR for the last 5 years (attested)
  – Vigilance, Integrity, and Penalty clearance certificates
  Closing Date: Applications to reach by 13.03.2025

Eligibility Conditions for appointment

1. From the officials holding the post of Despatch Rider (Group C) on regular basis or
regular Group ‘C’employees in level-l of pay matrix in Ministries or Departments ofthe
Central Government, who fulfil the necessary qualifications as under:
i. Matriculation
ii. Possession oIa valid driving license formotor cars
iii. Knowledge ofmotor mechanism (The candidate should be able to remove minor
defects in vehicle);
iv. Experience ofdriving a motor carforatleast three years;
i. Threeyears’service as Horne Guard/CivUvolunteers.
ii. Deputation orRe-employment-ForArmedForces Personnel:
The Armed Forces Personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve
withina period ofone year and having therequisite experience& qualifications prescribed
aboveand recommended bvtheDirector General ofResettlement, Ministry ofDefence shall
also be considered and such persons shall be given deputation terms tiptothe date on
whichthey aredue forrelease fromtheArmedForces, thereafter theymay be continued on
2. Place of posting: New Delhi.

Important links

Aplication Form Click Here
Official link Click Here

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